Eden Clark


I'm a an empath, medical medium, clairvoyant, former tech CEO & TV personality, and mom of 2 (not to mention still owner of an interior design firm). I start my mornings by making a hot cup of black tea and walking barefoot in my garden with my wolf hybrid, Shai'ya, right by my side. Years ago I went through some radical life changes that made me seek Truth. Not just out of mere curiosity, but so I could understand my soul. Its the kind of truth seeking that found me alone at night deep in the Amazon jungle with an indigenous shaman shaking his rattle over me, while I screamed into the abyss of my darkest wounds, questioning the very reason for my existence. Add mud, mosquitoes, monkeys, and big jungle insects to that mix, and truth-seeking takes on a whole new meaning.
Since that night, I've spent more than 14 years training with indigenous shamans and master wisdom keepers in authentic traditions and rites of Initiation. I developed my gifts of being able to see, hear and connect with "the other side" or what some call the Spirit realm, which links us to our loved ones and Beings of Light some traditions call "angels" or "spirit guides". I came to better understand my higher purpose and what it takes to live that path, while (somewhat reluctantly at first) embracing my gifts to see the human energy field and dis-ease within the body. I have come to understand that many masters - Buddha, Jesus, Mary Magdelane, Archangels, Egyptian, Hindu, Aztec and Incan lineages, along with many others across this Earth, have left encyclopedias of wisdom for us to follow so we, too, can return to Truth and Love.
I have a deep desire to help others release their suffering and return to their Truth, and ultimately help people make sense of this reality we call the Human experience ......