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Here is what a few of Eden's clients have to say...

"Wow ... tears in my eyes during and after your reading!
Thank you thank you thank you! Deep gratitude."


"Spot on. Thank you so much."​


"I so enjoyed meeting you [at Conscious Life Expo], you know you were the clearest mirror I have ever met in my life, and I felt in love with you and myself, as a mirror...I saw my wholeness with you. Thank you so much for my healing and being there for me".


"If you didn’t believe Earth Angels existed, then its time for you to meet this beautiful angel, Eden Clark. I have had the privilege of knowing Eden for many years, and have witnessed her purity & humbleness in her ever expanding wisdom that she so willingly shares with others. Eden is a powerful healer & channel, and has assisted me through my healing processes, especially with the passing of my mother. I feel too, that the Beings or Spirits we call upon through Eden’s channelling trust her as much as I trust her honesty, clarity & humility. I hope you give yourself this opportunity to meet with Eden.
Thank you Eden for being such a beautiful Angel on Earth.


"Working with you has had a profound impact on my personal healing and evolution. 
I believe that your intuitive ability and your access to higher wisdom are assets of high value for anyone on the path of deep healing and personal evolution. My life experience and  personal happiness have improved with each session."

- GARY C., California

"Wow, you nailed it! Now I know it is clarity from my heart and not my mind that will help in my decisions :) Thank you, love and light to you."


"Eden…you are a living example of how to balance spirit world with earth world, from Ether to Earth. Your brilliance in communication and organization as well as tuning into the energy needs of each moment was a teaching I will never forget. I am so grateful for all you shared in both your words and being.”

-  MARIANA D., Montreal Canada

 "Thank you for this channeling. Beautifully stated. I have been hearing this message from my guides as well so thank you for the reiteration and strength behind this."

- SARA C., California

"Sigh!!! Thank you so much for your reading! ☺️💜🙏🏼Thank you for keeping your heart channel pure & clean and "free of any judgement" for those who do not YET understand what a precious gift you have. Sometimes you DO want to hear from your Spirit Guides through someone else's heart when you're surrounded by self-doubt. Sending you lots of LOVE, LIGHT & PEACE! May you always be protected from harsh judgements of those who have not 'awakened' to their inner light & love yet, and continue to live your life on your beautiful purpose! Blessed Be!

- AMIT S., India

“Dear Eden, you are such a gift in my life. As you know I have been healing from a terrible illness for many years. Reading your posts helps me feel connected. You have a gift that reaches right to the center of my heart and makes me feel loved and seen. Your integrity, compassion and wisdom is what we need more of in this world. The channeling that you gifted me meant more to me than you will ever know. Thank you so much for your wisdom, your talent, and for all the beauty you put out into the world."
- LAURA D., Los Angeles


"Your message is G O L D. Thank you Eden!


"Your reading brought me to tears! Thank you so much, my heart pulses with gratitude for this perfectly divine timely message! Balance... I am seeking it, and learning to carve out more time for my creative spirit! Ah, thank you! Blessings!!!! (((💚)))



"Eden has a talent for tackling difficult and sensitive subjects with such love and wisdom that she helps melt away all your resistance and worry, and leaves you with a new way to view your world. Instead of taking sides she simply, but skilfully, raises the entire problem or subject to a higher level of consciousness, at which healing occurs and the problem is transformed into love.  Eden can take complicated subjects and break them down into easy-to-understand chunks. With her wisdom and love she closes gaps and navigates difficult terrain masterfully, all the while leaving you feeling positive and powerful. The world needs more Edens."
- FB post


"Sooo much gratitude Eden.. I feel the sacred words and truth in my heart from your reading, and here now I'm giving intent to my guides of light and any new guides of light to come through and allow them to work through me for the highest good of all! I love you and thank you for Being and sharing with me these precious messages."​

- SOHAM M., Crete

"Thank you Eden - both for this personal reading, but also for the gift you give to everyone. After listening to your appearance on Awakening Radio the other week, I started reading The Hathor Material again, so your words are confirming. I'm understanding more of what I'm reading and it brings comfort, especially in terms of approaching some difficult relationships from a view-point of compassion. Your words also really speak to me about trusting my body, even though the reading is more about trusting my soul. I've struggled for years to trust my body so it is comforting for me to accept that part so implicitly and realize that somewhere along the way this year, I've found a way to trust. xoxo Thank you"​

- JENNIFER V., Canada

"Thank you so much Eden! just yesterday for some reason, I felt an empty aloneness. It was the first time in a while and it was filling me with doubt. I feel better today and totally feel this message you gave me is exactly the reminder I needed in this moment.  Thank you for your generosity beautiful Eden.


"Thank you Eden! Not at all what I expected, yet I am experiencing blockages right now that I am eager to open. Thank you for connecting me with wisdom from my guides that I was not attuned to - I am taking this message straight to heart! Thank you truly for your offering!! Bless your Beautiful Life!"

- MEGAN B., Ontario


"What a beautiful and exciting message! That must be why I was so drawn to your podcast on re-remembering :) Hope to hear more podcasts by the way - you are so clear in your messages. Love and gratitude to you."


"Wow.. you saw precisely what I've been doing... focusing too much on my past lives. I'm ready for rapid acceleration! Best news I've heard all year - lets do this!!! Thank you so very much for your generosity in providing a reading for each of us. Extremely helpful and exactly what I needed to know right now. Blessings and gratitude to you... Thank you again."

"Thank you so much. I feel very blessed by your gift. This is completely in line with the messages I have been receiving lately. Such a special confirmation. Thank you again dear one"

- Anonymous

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